Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Personal Microagression Experience

Something that my friends, cousins and I joke about is that I eat a lot for a small person. I never really thought of it as an insult because it is not wrong that I am small and I eat a lot.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Five Book Covers

I really like this one because it is almost like spatter paint but there is an image within it. Also this cover does represent the story because the title is the storm and the picture is after the storm. And the spatter paint is like a storm which is chaotic. 

This was more funny to me because when I read the title which is "Forgetting Things"and then I see a person with the head no attached, I thought of "Are you forgetting something?" and it was that the person is forgetting his or her head. 

What attracted me to this cover is that there are a bunch of shopping bags and since I like to go shopping, I wanted to know what was happening. Also I wanted to know why the person has so many shopping bags and how it is significant to the story and its plot. 

The thing that caught my attention was the cover because it actually scared me at first but and it reminded me of when I used plaster during art class to make an animal. I did not like the cover that much at first but then when I read the title, this cover made sense to me. The plaster mask probably represents the story in the sense that the character has a mask on and that is why it is so empty. 

I first noticed this cover because there is a pair of glasses on it and I wear glasses myself. When I looked closer, I saw that in each lens, there is a different image and that made me interested in what was going on. 

Other than the "Forgetting Things" cover, all the titles are centered. The type on each cover has more than just one font and side. In all the covers, there is some sort of image on it but not all the images are big. Nor are all the images colorful. One thing that draws me to some of these covers is that there is a personal connection I can make such as the glasses and shopping bags. The other ones just pop up using the colors and images that make me want to take a closer look. I realized that other than one cover, all of the others had some sort of white or light cover to the cover and use something against that whiteness to make the image or the focal point stand out. The difference is that all the images are very different and that none really connect to each other so it is not that Im drawn to a certain type of story but that the covers stand out to me and make me interested. The size of the title is also very different. For "The Storm", the title is not that big and is the in the center of the book but "Confession of a Mask" has a big letters for the title and is positioned at the bottom of the cover. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

What does a good book cover look like?

I believe that this is a good book cover because it does represent the story like Mendelsund said. I think that it is pretty because of the border and the fairies. Also the title really matches the story plot. It draws my eyes mostly because I like fantasy books and it was a look that my cousin recommended to me.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Logo Reflection

What is your most challenging aspect of creating your logo design? How did you overcome the challenge? 
     The hardest for me was the color of my logo because I wanted my logo to look simple and serious since it is SGE. I wanted to use red and black since that was the school color but it did not look pretty to me. So I have Ms. Lee help me. She helped me choose a different shade of red and had the letters white. The building was a mixture of black and red. However the words were a bit small so it make it legible from afar, we changed the building back to the original color, which is a light pink or beige color and SGE in the center in black. 

What was most successful aspect of your logo design?
     The most successful aspect to me was the building in the center because I wanted to use the fact that SGE had five branches so I made five columns for the building since it was the most important part of a structure. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February Break

During February break, I went with my friends to have sushi for lunch in Brooklyn. Since it was president's day, it is was crowded and we had to wait for a good 45 minutes. After that, we ate a lot to the point where we were shoving food at each other. > - < After that, I went home. February break was also Chinese New Year so I spent Thursday at my grandma's place and Friday at my mom's aunt's place. I got a lot of red envelopes aka money. *^* On Saturday, I went to my SAT prep class. I was going to head over to my volunteer place after I have lunch at home with my mom but my mom told me that she wanted a new bag and my aunt wanted one as well so she made me take off and go buy the bag with my aunt at 57th st. My mom was very picky so when I showed her a bag through message, she wanted that one but the store did not have it. My mom did not want any other bag so my aunt and I had to walk 7 streets down 5the ave IN THE SNOW to a department store to buy my mom her bag. My aunt saw a bag that she wanted but it was too expensive so she didn't buy it. But I saw a bag that I liked and my aunt saw a dress so we got that for ourselves. The next day was the Chinese New Year parade and I had dim sum with my family. I was going to walk in the parade with my aunt but my cousins, sister and my brother's family decided to join us. Lucky it was warm so we did not freeze to death. After that, we went back to my grandma's place and we hung out there until dinner time.

This is a picture of my nephews during the parade :D

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Metropolitan Museum of Art: The Great Sirens

a. Where is this art? What kind of artwork were around this piece? 
     This piece of art was in the modern and contemporary art exhibit. There were other art work around it such as artwork from O'Keeffe. There was also another piece of art called Tomorrow is Never that was very sad to me
b. What about this piece draws your attention? Does it remind you of something else? 
     This painting caught my attention because it was very large and I was actually looking at a painting beside it but it was much smaller so the size was the first thing that I noticed. And then, I saw that there were a bunch of naked ladies but what caught my attention the most was not that they were naked but because the expression they had. None of the women looked happy but they had this dazed look on their face. The ladies sitting looked calm, but it was an unsettling calm. 
c. What do you know about the artwork or artist? 
     This was the first time that I've seen that artwork and I never heard of the artist before. I didn't even know that this art was about sirens until I read the note beside it. That was when I realized that there were sirens in the background on the beach, and they looked like they were praying. That was also when I saw that one man in the painting. This painting was done by artist Paul Delvaux and he was a surrealist. This is his biggest painting.