Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Question 1: 
The design I chose as actually not part of my thumbnail sketches. I somewhat combined two of my ideas from the thumbnail into one. Originally, my top favorite ones was the siren with the music notes and the other was the valentines card. After making the valentines card on a the initial draft, I was hesitant with the siren because I know that I am not capable of drawing it. Thus, I combined a rose design with the siren one.   I think that the thumbnail sketches really helped me because I already had many ideas to pick from and I was able to combine ideas. During the coloring, I used chalk pastel for my whole project. I used a q-tip to spread the color. After that, I used put a lot of purple chalk pastel powder on my project and used a tissue to color in the blank spaces. 


Question 2: 
When I first started my thumbnail sketches, I didn't really have a concept in mind. However, from brainstorming, one concept was valentines so I chose the love concept. That was originally when I choose the valentines cards design. And since I chose not to do the siren and music notes design, I morphed two into one and made the rose and pedals design. Using the rose design, I was planning to use a heart break concept. After trying multiple times to get a blood red color, which I failed to, I changed the concept but stayed with the same design. I instead choose the love warming design. I tried to represent the concept why using warm pink colors. For the rose, I chose a nice red color stead of blood red to symbolize the love. For the background, I mixed a orange pink color with purple to express the warm feeling of love. 

Question 3: 
The most challenging aspect for my was the background. I wanted to blend two colors together so it won't be too dull. I tried using white and bright pink but that didn't have a warming mood. Then i tried the white and purple which I didn't think was a nice color compared to the red of the. In the end, I chose to use the purple and orangish pink. 

Question 4: 
I don't really think that I am satisfied with my final project. I wanted to blend the purple with the pink more. I do not like how the purple stands out a lot compared to the orange pink in the back. 

Question 5: 
If I can change it, I would blend the colors on a separate sheet of paper then use the tissue to get the mixed color then wipe it onto my project instead of wiping the purple on top after. 

And is is my final :D 


  1. OMG I LOVE your final product Emily! The rose is so pretty and it clearly portrays the letter M. What happen to the Valentine's card idea?! By the way, why don't you add some leaves to the stem of the rose?

  2. thanks :D well the reference i used didnt have leaves so yeah

  3. If you hadn't chose to use the rose design for your letter, which one would you have chosen instead?

  4. Emily!! I absolutely love your project! One thing that stands out in my mind is how the background and the flower are the same color but different shades. It makes the flower pop even more! It reminds me of actual flower petals flowing in the wind. :)

  5. I love the color you see in your design, it gives an overall romantic feelings. I like how you use different shade of pink that makes you letter stand out.

  6. I am very impress by how you use different colors and shade them together to bring out a romantic feeling to your art piece. The color match very well with your rose drawing, perfectly portraying a spring feeling.

  7. I like how your design is colored! Your pictures show how you spent a lot of time to create your background color. It's cool how you can use different flowers for your design, if you chose to change it or create another letter. Your design also reminds me of spring! :)

  8. I can really feel the theme of the project! It looks amazing and the colors are perfect!
