Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Something that inspired me was this knitted caterpillar. Stuff animals were always my favorite. My bed is full of stuff animals. I remember my first time learning how to knit was when I was in elementary school and I was my grandma knitting. Thinking that it was cool to move sticks and yarns around to make a scarf, I asked my grandma to teach my how to knit. I even made my aunt buy my yarn and knitting needles. However, I stopped without even completing one scarf because it bored me. However, when I was in 5th grade, I was helping out in my school office and a lady here was knitting. I asked her what she was making and she said a stuff caterpillar. After that, I really wanted to make my own knitted stuff animal. I dropped it until I came across a knitting video on youtube during middle school. After watching it, I chose to start knitting again. I bought many yarn and made many scarves for my friends. I made other little projects such as a heart pillow and a little baggy. I even had the owner of a yarn store teach me how to knit different kinds of yarn and she taught me how to crochet. Now, my goal is to knit a stuffed animal and to crochet which I haven't even started. 
> ~ <
Well here are some things I made... 


  1. Wow, those are really cool. I can't knit at all, so this is pretty impressive. Do you have any goals for your knitting?

  2. Thanks ^ ^
    Right now Im working on crocheting my blanket.
